Rose Quaye
Legal Secretary

Rose was born in Côte d'Ivoire but raised in Sioux Falls, SD from age 4 on up. She was born to a Liberian mother, Grace, and an Ivorian father, Charles. Rose grew up on the importance of excelling in school in order to receive the best experiences in life. As a result, Rose graduated from Roosevelt High School with a 4.0 GPA in 2019. After high school, Rose became a first-generation college student and attended Howard University. In 2022, she graduated with honors (Summa Cum Laude—4.0 GPA) with a bachelor’s degree in Criminology with hopes of becoming a Criminal Defense attorney.

Before starting her career as a Legal Assistant, Rose interned at the National Bar Association as a sophomore at Howard University. She got to work with prominent lawyers from across the country and strengthened her knowledge on legal documents. Because Rose loved her internship, her career choice as a Criminal Defense Attorney was solidified. In 2025, Rose plans to go back to Law School and obtain her Juris Doctor to practice law in the state of South Dakota. 

Currently, Rose spends all of her free time socializing with her friends online and planning one of her many trips out of the country to get good use out of her passport. She loves listening to music, watching her favorite comfort shows (which includes “Suits”), and embarking on (old) new activities to feed her inner child.