Drug Possession


Our committed legal team will mount a relentless defense of your rights. At Griese Law Firm, P.C., we represent clients charged with all types of state and federal drug crimes, including:

  • Drug possession

  • Possession with intent to sell

  • Drug trafficking

  • Driving under the influence of drugs

  • Prescription drug fraud

  • Manufacturing of illegal substances

  • Conspiracy to sell drugs

  • Operation of a methamphetamine laboratory

  • Sale of illegal substances in a school zone

  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

If you have been charged with drug possession, it is crucial to seek experienced legal counsel immediately. The attorneys at Griese Law Firm, P.C. are ready to step in, examine the details of your case, and build a strong defense strategy. Don’t leave your future to chance—reach out to us today to protect your rights.


A law enforcement officer's eagerness to make an arrest or a prosecutor's drive for a conviction should never come at the cost of your rights. At Griese Law Firm, P.C., our attorneys are committed to challenging drug possession charges by identifying errors in procedures or evidence that may lead to an unfair outcome. We meticulously examine every aspect of your case to ensure that your rights were not violated, including:

  • The Search — Police must have a legitimate reason and proper authorization to conduct a search. If they didn't, we’ll challenge the legality of the search and seizure.

  • The Evidence — All evidence collected, including any drugs found, must be properly documented and handled according to strict protocols. We examine if any mishandling or contamination occurred.

  • The Arrest — For your arrest to be valid, law enforcement must follow proper procedures, including reading your Miranda rights. Any deviation can weaken the prosecution's case.

  • Possession and Control — Proving possession is more complex than it seems. We investigate to determine whether you had actual control or knowledge of the alleged substances.

  • Intent to Distribute — Charges for intent to distribute require specific evidence, such as large quantities or packaging materials. We challenge the interpretation of these elements to reduce or dismiss the charges.

Don’t face drug possession charges alone. Contact Griese Law Firm, P.C. today at 605-271-0115 or online for a free consultation.

Reach out today for a free initial consultation and discover how we can assist you in protecting your rights and your future.