Facing a drug distribution charge can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. At Griese Law Firm, P.C., we understand that prosecutors will aggressively pursue convictions in these cases, often seeking severe penalties. Our experienced attorneys are here to mount a robust defense and challenge the evidence against you at every turn. We thoroughly investigate all aspects of your case to find any weaknesses in the prosecution’s approach, including:

  • The Evidence — We analyze whether the evidence presented—such as drugs, scales, baggies, or cash—was lawfully obtained and correctly handled throughout the investigation.

  • Intent to Distribute — Simply possessing a substance is not enough to prove intent to distribute. We challenge assumptions based on quantity, packaging, or other factors, aiming to reduce the charge to simple possession or get it dismissed altogether.

  • Search and Seizure — Police must adhere to strict search and seizure protocols. We scrutinize whether law enforcement had probable cause and followed proper procedures. Any violation of your rights can be grounds to exclude evidence.

  • Confidential Informants — If an informant is involved, their credibility and reliability are key factors. We investigate the background and motivations of any informants used in your case to uncover potential biases or misconduct.

  • Chain of Custody — We examine the handling of any evidence to ensure it has not been tampered with or improperly maintained. Breaks in the chain of custody can weaken the prosecution’s case.

Our dedicated attorneys are prepared to challenge every aspect of the case against you, working tirelessly to seek a reduction of charges, dismissal, or acquittal. We are committed to protecting your rights and your future.

If you are facing drug distribution charges, don't wait—contact Griese Law Firm, P.C. today at 605-271-0115 or online for a free consultation. Let us fight for your freedom and protect your rights.